Thursday, May 17, 2012

Obama's almost Gay Marriage Stand

News Could Cause Panic for Obama Campaign

“By saying he was still against same-sex marriage but was "evolving" on the issue, Obama sought to avoid riling black voters while giving a wink to young voters hinting he shared their view.

He was in the position of the old-time pol who said, "Some of my friends are for the bill, and some of my friends are against the bill, and I'm always with my friends."”
Barron, the article’s author is pro-gay marriage.
As a supporter of same-sex marriage, I am glad that Obama took the step that Dick Cheney took several years ago. Like many Americans, he changed his mind at some point and supported a policy that almost no one backed a quarter-century ago.

The challenges of Gay Marriage are multiple. First, it is a recent fadish attack on America's Christian Foundations, rather than a Civil Rights issue. At no time in world history, nor in American history has it been accepted as a norm. Some deviations of history have taken place, like with polygamy, but that is it. It has always, in man’s history been unacceptable.

As Barron admits, 25 years ago, no one would have pushed this issue.

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS has ruled many times that when the state seeks to change the normative, that it must demonstrate compelling reasons. Like with Roe v Wade, supporters do not try to show compelling reason, and rather pummel opponents with name calling and accusations.

This wins the day in Legislative Court, but it destroys the basis of our democratic governance and creates generationally destructive rifts that only separates from resolving more important and urgent issues.

No gay couple will die or be injured because they cannot be married. They can manage every single home issue virtually identically to a normal healthy couple. Inheritance, health care, etc. and they are better off in filing their taxes.

Yet, soldiers are dying every day in Afghanistan, children starve to death, disabled children die from denied medical care... and I can go on and on.

California is an example..... 62% of citizens voted for “one man + one woman”; 53% of Californians voted for our Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as “one man + one woman”. 

Obama’s issue is multiple, including these facts about anti-marriage acts (Courts rulings, not mine)

Reynolds v. United States, 98 U.S. (8 Otto.) 145 (1878)
Congress was deprived of all legislative power over mere opinion, but was left free to reach actions which were in violation of social duties or subversive of good order.

United States Supreme Court Declines to Legalize Polygamy (2003)
The United States Supreme Court... declined to hear an appeal by a Utah man who sought to have his bigamy conviction overturned

As a result, the state of Utah's bigamy law was upheld, even though it clashes with the religious beliefs of some in the state.

"Polygamy is no mere social taboo," Alliance Defense Fund Senior Counsel Chris Stovall said in a press release for the ADF. "It is destructive on multiple levels, and the court was right to turn down review of this attempt to attack appropriate protections of marriage."
Finally, the California Constitution still mandates:

SEC. 4.  Free exercise and enjoyment of religion without
discrimination or preference are guaranteed.  This liberty of
conscience does not excuse acts that are LICENTIOUS OR
INCONSISTENT with the peace or safety of the State.

Homosexuality has been ruled as these for all of California’s history. I do not recall a case and ruling changing this historic state position.

So, nothing has changed, except the way the wind blows. So, people who lack morals or principles just follow along, like a dead leaf, blown by a late fall wind.