Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bush's Presidency - a quick response to a Liberal's Myths

"W" wasn't the best, but clearly he's no Obama.... what everyone missed and forgets, is that America had just Officially entered its recession the day of his inauguration, that Clinton's stock market collapse the year before was one of the, worst in American history.  NASDQ dropped by 67%  and NASDQ was the engine of economic and very high salary growth for over15 years.

Also, thanks to Clinton our surveillance network worldwide was utterly gutted, and Clinton had just initiated in full force the Community reinvestment act which required UNDER CRIMINAL PENALTIES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE... banks to make very bad unsupportable loans.... requiring the development of the Sub-Prime mortgage investment bank system (more on this later).

W had the shortest presidential transition as well as the most unsupported transition in the past 50 years... entering the WH with keyboards ruined, having the least support from the leaving president (Clinton) who just could not realize that the job of the Presidency was not about him, but about America.

W also had the least number of key appointments accepted or implemented in recent history, esp in judicial and national security positions, and so, 7 months post entering office, the American government remained basically vacated in key positions, solely because of liberal partisanship.

It was at that moment that 9/11 occurred, thus stopping the American economy cold for 7 days, and stopping the world economy for over a year as secondary attacks occurred worldwide.

Just before 9/11 W made his first big push out of 5 to STOP SUB PRIME LENDING, only to be called an idiot, liar, bigot, racist and hateful class warrior by Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi.

He put that effort off for 2 years while he put the world back together again from the final attack on America in a string of attacks that started at the beginning of Clinton's presidency and continued unabated, and unopposed for 8 years.... because they were police issues... not national security, despite the fact that these were attacks by FOREIGN FORCES against our BORDERS... one of the very few things government is MANDATED to PROTECT Americans from...

W went back to congress 4 more times in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 to THE FEDERAL STOP SUBPRIME LOAN MANUFACTURING MACHINE, only to be rebuffed including a wholly illegal rebuff where Freddie Mac and its BoD (including Rahm Emanuel, who earned a reported $10 million bonus while driving Freddie Mac into bankruptcy) used Freddie Mac funds to implement POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS against republican incumbents who wanted to fix the LIBERAL PROBLEM of manufacturing sub-prime loans.

The rest is history.

The fact is, Bush came into a terrible economy, with jobs bleeding to China, and the NASDQ gutted, and the world on fire thanks to 8 years of Oval Office narcissistic sexual escapades.

W was not the best president by a long shot, but he will go down in history as a very good one, who did transform the ME and push hard for a CONTROLLED TRANSITION to democracy (unlike now), and was well supported by Arabs because of this effort.

He did support freedoms, and free markets, and transformed his own ideology (he was a stauch isolationist and wanted to pull most troops back into America) unlike the socialist ideological Benedict Arnold in office today.

W did push hard for REAL IMMIGRATION REFORM and if Liberals didn't have so much control, we would have solved that cancer of a problem.

"W" was no Reagan, but he was absolutely no Clinton and 1,000,000% NOT an Obama.

I welcome all comments.



  1. Great post, and I hope everyone reads it and gets it!

  2. Great commentary. I hope people read it and understand what W was up against when he took office, and a congress that had their own "agenda" and refused to adhere to sound legislative activity and responsible oversight of their duties. Although, W did sign the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) and by the grace of God the Senate refused to ratify O has issued an Executive Order!

  3. Personally I think that W was a good man. He leaned more progressive than my taste, probably a left over from his raising. He did react to the people and congress, thus no SS reform or as you said no Illegal Immigration reform either. It is my hope that issues such as continued unemployment and 5 dollar plus gas will hasten O'Bama out of office!
